1. Psalm 1 (recited by everyone while kneeling)
  2. Hymn
  3. Prayer by a member
  4. Reading of Bible text (normally a chapter) chosen by the Officiating Priest
  5. Drawing of lessons from the text (individuals choose verse(s) in turns and give brief explanations of how they understand the verse(s).
  6. Full explanation of text by the officiating priest
  7. Prayer by a member
  8. Closing Hymn
  9. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
  10. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all)
  11. “Come Holy Spirit of God…” (Brotherhood Hymnary 513)
  12. Benediction by the officiating priest
  13. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (Brotherhood Hymnary 507)
  14. Closing