(i)      Individuals and/or Family

  1. Psalm 1 ( recited by all while kneeling)
  2. Hymn
  3. Prayer
  4. Psalm 121 (recited by all while kneeling)
  5. Closing Hymn
  6. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
  7. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all while kneeling)
  8. “Bless us Oh Lord in this hour of morn…” (Brotherhood Hymnary 505)
  9. Benediction by the officiating priest
  10. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (Brotherhood Hymnary 507)
  11. Spiritual choruses
  12. Announcements, Visions, Dreams, Testimonies, Confession of sins, etc
  13. Closing

(ii)     Bethels

  1. Hymn
  2. Prayer by the officiating priest
  3. Psalm 1 ( recited by all while kneeling)
  4. Prayer by a member
  5. Psalm 121 (recited by all while kneeling)
  6. Hymn
  7. Prayer by a member
  8. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
  9. Songs and Prayers (everyone kneels while kneeling)

(a)      “Tuhi tuhi kusen ubok…” (Brotherhood Hymnary  491)

(b)     Prayer by a member

(c)      “Obong kop akam nnyin…” (Brotherhood Hymnary  492)

(d)     Prayer by a member

(e)      “Obong dong odudu fo no nnyin…” (Brotherhood Hymnary 493)

(f)      Prayer by a member

  1. Closing Hymn
  2. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
  3. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all while kneeling)
  4. “Bless us Oh Lord in this hour of morn…” (Brotherhood Hymnary 505).
  5. Benediction by the officiating priest
  6. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (Brotherhood Hymnary 507).
  7. Around the altar and songs (everyone kneels around the altar)

(a)      “Around the throne of God…” (Brotherhood Hymnary 494)

(b)     “Ikot Abasi edemere…” (Brotherhood Hymnary 495)

(c)      “Ami ndi anam idiok…”(A Spirited member sprinkles water on those kneeling)

(d)     “Iyip okoduoho kisong…”

(e)      Prayer by four (4) members (2 brothers and 2 sisters standing at the four corners of the Bethel)

(f)      “Tongore kusen emi ekongde obong nnyin Jesus ke eto…” (Members leave the altar for their seats: Brotherhood Hymnary 497)

  1. Spiritual choruses and blessing (order of blessing: Choristers, Children, Women Congregation, Men Congregation, Spirited Children, Elders, Preachers, Ordained, Christ Witnesses, Senior Christ Servants, Bishops, 144,000 Virgins)
  2. Announcements, Visions, Dreams, Testimonies, Confession of sins, etc
  3. Closing

(iii)    Pentecostal Centres

  1. Hymn
  2. Prayer by the officiating priest
  3. Psalm 1 ( recited by all while kneeling)
  4. Prayer by a member
  5. Psalm 121 (recited by all while kneeling)
  6. Hymn
  7. Prayer by a member
  8. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
  9. Songs and Prayers (everyone kneels while kneeling)

(a)      “Tuhi tuhi k’usen ubok…” (Brotherhood Hymnary  491)

(b)     Prayer by a member

(c)      “Obong kop akam nnyin” (Brotherhood Hymnary  492)

(d)     Prayer by a member

(e)      “Obong dong odudu fo no nnyin” (Brotherhood Hymnary 493)

(f)      Prayer by a member

  1. Closing Hymn
  2. Psalm 23 (recited by all)
  3. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all)
  4. “Bless us Oh Lord in this hour of morn…” (Brotherhood Hymnary 505)
  5. Benediction by the officiating priest
  6. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (Brotherhood Hymnary 507)
  7. Spiritual choruses and blessing (order of blessing: Choristers, Children, Women Congregation, Men Congregation, Spirited Children, Elders, Preachers, Ordained, Christ Witnesses, Senior Christ Servants, Bishops, 144,000 Virgins)
  8. Visions, Dreams, Testimonies, Confession of sins, etc
  9. Announcements
  10. Admonition and closing by the Officiating Priest