All Order of Service in BCS

  • Order of Conducting Services.
  • Morning Prayers. ››
  • Full Service (All Mornings At 10am./Friday And Sunday Nights).
  • Evening Prayers.
  • Service on Wednesday.
  • Order of Service on Thursday.
  • The Order Of Conducting Bible Class.
  • Order Of Conducting Watch And Pray.
  • Thursday General Fasting (6:00am. – 6:00pm).
  • Order of Conducting Service on Easter Monday.
  • Order of Conducting a Meeting .
  • Order of conducting Baptism.
  • Order of Conducting House Blessing.
  • Order of Conducting Child Blessing.
  • Order of Conducting Holy Spirit Church.
  • Order of Conducting Funeral Service.
  • Order of conducting at the Cemetery (Interment).

——————————————–Order for Morning Prayers – 5a.m.——————————————–


      1. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
      2. Hymn
      3. Prayer
      4. Psalm 121 (recited by all while kneeling)
      5. Closing Hymn
      6. Psalm 23 recited by all while kneeling)
      7. The Lord’s Prayer (recited while kneeling)
      8. “Bless us Oh Lord in this hour of morn…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1004)
      9. Benediction by the Conductor
      10. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
      11. Spiritual choruses


    1. Hymn
    2. Prayer by the Conductor
    3. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
    4. Prayer by a member
    5. Psalm 121 (recited by all while kneeling)
    6. Hymn
    7. Prayer by a member
    8. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    9. Songs and Prayers (everyone kneels while singing)
      • “Very early in the morning” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 999)
      • Prayer by a member
      • “Oh Father hear my prayers” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1005)
      • Prayer by a member
      • “Father send down thy power” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1011)
      • Prayer by a member
    10. Closing Hymn
    11. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
    12. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all while kneeling)
    13. “Bless us Oh Lord in this hour of morn…” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1004)
    14. Benediction by the Conductor
    15. “Hear our prayer Oh Lord” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    16. “Around the altar and songs (everyone kneels around the altar)
      • “Around the throne of God…” (sung by all: BCS hymnary 998)
      • “Ye children of God awake…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 996)
      • “I am a sinner” (sung by all: sung by all while a Spirited member sprinkles water on those kneeling)
      • “The blood that was shed… (sung by all)
      • Prayer by four (4) members preferably by 2 brothers and 2 Sisters standing at the four corners of the Bethel)
      • “Right from the day Our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed on the cross…” (sung by all as they leave the altar for their seats.)
    17. Spiritual choruses and blessing (Order of blessing: Choristers, Children, Women Congregation, Men Congregation, Spirited Children, Elders, Ordained, Christ Truth Missionaries, Bishops, 144,000)
    18. Announcements, Visions, Dreams, Testimonies, Confessions of sins, etc
    19. Closing


    1. Hymn
    2. Prayer by the Conductor
    3. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
    4. Prayer by a member
    5. Psalm 121 (recited by all while kneeling)
    6. Hymn
    7. Prayer by a member
    8. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    9. Songs and Prayers (everyone kneels while kneeling)
      1. “Very early in the morning” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 999)
      2. Prayer by a member
      3. “Oh! Father hear my prayers” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1005)
      4. Prayer by a member
      5. “Father, send down thy power” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1011)
      6. Prayer by a member
    10. Closing Hymn
    11. Psalm 23 (recited by all)
    12. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all)
    13. “Bless us Oh Lord in this hour of morn…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1004)
    14. Benediction by the Conductor
    15. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    16. Spiritual choruses and blessing (order of blessing: Choristers, Children, Women Congregation, Men Congregation, Spirited Children, Elders, Ordained, Christ Truth Missionaries, Bishops, 144,000)
    17. Visions, Dreams, Testimonies, Confession of sins, etc
    18. Announcements
    19. Admonition and closing by the Conductor

    1. Announcements, Visions, Dreams, Testimonies, Confession of sins, etc
    2. Closing

Full Service

    1. Introit: “The Lord is in His holy temple…” (Sung by all while kneeling: BCS Hymnary 997)
    2. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
    3. Prayer by the Conductor
    4. Hymn
    5. Prayer by a member
    6. Reading of the first Bible Lesson (chosen by the Conductor and read by a member)
    7. Hymn
    8. Prayer by a member
    9. Reading of the Second Bible Lesson (chosen by the Conductor and read by a member)
    10. Anthem(s) by Choir (s)
    11. Reading of the first Bible Lesson, Second Bible Lesson, and the Golden Text (as chosen by the Conductor)
    12. Sermon
    13. Prayer by a member
    14. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    15. Blessing
      • Children: “Father, Son and the Holy Ghost…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 985)
      • Women followed by Men Congregation: “My disciples, be ever ready…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 986)
      • Choristers: “I will make you fishers of men…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 987)
      • Spirited Children, Elders, Ordained ones, Christ Truth Missionaries, Bishops, 144,000) Obong nam utom fo…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 988)
    16. Prayer by a member
    17. Anthem(s) by Choir(s)
    18. Prayer by a member
    19. Closing Hymn
    20. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
    21. The Lord’s Prayer (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 995)
    22. “Come Holy Spirit of God…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1012). For Friday and Sunday nights: “Olumba behold us here…” BCS Hymnary 1008
    23. Benediction by the Conductor
    24. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    25. Spiritual choruses and blessing (order of blessing: Choristers, Children, Women Congregation, Men Congregation, Spirited Children, Elders, Ordained ones, Christ Natural Truth Missionaries, Bishops, 144,000)
    26. Feast, Visions, Dreams, Testimonies, Confession of sins etc
    27. Announcements
    28. Admonition and closing by the Conductor

Evening Prayer

    1. Hymn
    2. Prayer by the Conductor
    3. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
    4. Prayer by a member
    5. Reading of Psalm 15 (read by a member and repeated by all while kneeling )
    6. Anthem(s) by choir(s)
    7. Prayer by a member
    8. Reading of text and Sermon
    9. Prayer by a member
    10. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    11. Blessing
      • Children: “Father, Son and the Holy Ghost…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 985)
      • Women followed by Men Congregation: “My disciples be ever ready…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 986)
      • Choristers: “I will make you fishers of men…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 987)
      • Spirited Children, Elders, Ordained one, Christ Natural True Missionaries, Bishops, 144,000 ” Obong nam utom fo…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 988
    12. Prayer by a member
    13. Anthem(s) by Choir(s)
    14. Prayer by a member
    15. Closing Hymn
    16. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
    17. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all while kneeling)
    18. “Olumba behold us here…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1008)
    19. Benediction by the Conductor
    20. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    21. Spiritual Choruses and blessing (order of blessing: Choristers, Children, Women Congregation, Men Congregation, Spirited Children, Elders, Ordained ones, Christ Natural Truth Missionaries, Bishops, 144,000)
    22. Feast, Visions, Dreams, Testimonies, Confession of sins, etc
    23. Announcements
    24. Admonition and closing by the Conductor

Order of Service on Wednesday

    1. Introit: “The Lord is in His Holy Temple.” (Sung by all while kneeling: BCS Hymnary 997)
    2. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
    3. Prayer by a Conductor
    4. Hymn
    5. Prayer by a member
    6. John 17: 1 – 26 (read aloud by a member and repeated by the congregation while kneeling)
    7. Hymn
    8. Prayer by a member
    9. Reading of the First Bible Lesson (chosen by the Conductor and read by a member)
    10. Anthem(s) by Choir(s)
    11. Reading of the First Bible Lesson, and the Golden Text (as chosen by the Conductor)
    12. Sermon
    13. Prayer by a member
    14. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    15. Blessing
      • Children: “Father, Son and the Holy Ghost…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 985)
      • Women followed by Men Congregation: “My disciples be ever ready…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 986)
      • Choristers: “I will make you fishers of men…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 987)
      • Spirited Children, Elders, Ordained one, Christ Natural True Missionaries, Bishops, 144,000 ” Obong nam utom fo…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 988 Prayer by a member
    16. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
    17. Prayer by a member
    18. Closing Hymn
    19. Psalm 23 (recited by all: while kneeling)
    20. The Lord’s Prayer (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 995)
    21. “Olumba behold us here…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1008)
    22. Benediction by the Conductor
    23. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    24. Spiritual Choruses and blessing (order of blessing: Choristers, Children, Women and Men Congregation, Spirited Children, Elders, Ordained ones, Christ Natural True Missionaries, 144,000 Virgins)
    25. Feast, Visions, Dreams Testimonies, Confession of sins, etc
    26. Announcements
    27. Admonition and closing by the Conductor

Order of Service on Thursday

    1. Introit: “The Lord is in Holy Temple…” (Sung by all while kneeling: BCS Hymnary 997)
    2. Psalm 1(recited by all while kneeling)
    3. Prayer by the Conductor
    4. Hymn
    5. Prayer by a member
    6. Psalm 51:1-19 (read aloud by a member and repeated by the congregation while kneeling)
    7. Hymn
    8. Prayer by a member
    9. Reading of the First Bible Lesson (chosen by the Conductor and read by a member)
    10. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
    11. Reading of the First Bible Lesson and the Golden Text (as chosen by the Conductor)
    12. Sermon
    13. Prayer by a member
    14. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    15. Blessing
      • Children: “Father, Son and the Holy Ghost…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 985)
      • Women followed by Men Congregation: “My disciples be ever ready…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 488)
      • Choristers: “I will make you fishers of men…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 987)
      • Spirited Children, Elders, Ordained one, Christ Natural True Missionaries, Bishops, 144,000 ” Obong nam utom fo…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 988 Prayer by a member
    16. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
    17. Prayer by a member
    18. Closing Hymn
    19. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
    20. The Lord’s Prayer (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 504)
    21. “Olumba behold us here…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1008)
    22. Benediction by the Conductor
    23. “Hear our Prayers Oh Lord” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    24. Spiritual Choruses and blessing (order of blessing: Choristers, Children, Women Congregation, Men Congregation, Spirited Children, Elders, Ordained ones, Christ Natural True Missionaries, Bishops, 144,000)
    25. Feast, Visions, Dreams, Testimonies, Confession of sins, etc
    26. Announcements
    27. Admonition and closing by the Conductor

Order of Conducting Bible Class

 Bible Class is conducted on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
    1. Psalm 1 (recited by everyone while kneeling)
    2. Hymn
    3. by a member
    4. Reading of Bible text (normally a chapter) chosen by the Conductor
    5. Drawing of Lessons from the chosen text (individuals choose verses in turns and give explanations of how they understand the verse(s).
    6. Full explanation of text by the Conductor
    7. Prayer by a member
    8. Closing Hymn
    9. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
    10. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all)
    11. “Come Holy Spirit of God…” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1012)
    12. Benediction by the Conductor
    13. Hear our Prayers Oh Lord…” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    14. Closing

Order of Conducting Watch and Pray

    1. Hymn
    2. Prayer by the Conductor
    3. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
    4. Prayer by a member
    5. Matthew 26:1 – end (read aloud by a member while the congregation kneel in silence)
    6. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
    7. Prayer by a member
    8. Reading of Bible Lesson and Sermon
    9. Prayer by a member
    10. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    11. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
    12. Prayer by a member
    13. Closing Hymn
    14. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
    15. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all while kneeling)
    16. “Olumba behold us here… ” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1008)
    17. Benediction by the Conductor
    18. “Hear our prayer Oh Lord … ” (Sung by all:: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    19. Spiritual choruses and blessing (order of blessing: Choristers, Children, Women Congregation, Men congregation, Spirited Children, Elders, Ordained ones, Christ Natural True Missionaries, Bishops, 144,000)
    20. Feast (Texts for reading: 1st Corinthians 11:23-29; John 6:51; 1st Corinthians 10:16-17)
    21. Feast, Visions, Dreams, Testimonies, Confession of sins, etc
    22. Announcements
    23. Admonition and closing by the Conductor

Conducting Thursday General Fasting (6:00am. - 6:00pm)

    •  6 a.m
      1. Bible Reading – Matthew 27:1-44 (read aloud by a member while all other kneel in silence)
      2. “Oh Lord forgive us our trespasses…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1003)
      3. Prayer by a member
      4. Anthem(s) by Choir(s)
      5. Prayer by a member
      6. Confession of sins
      7. Prayer for the whole world by 4 brethren (preferably 2 brothers and 2 sisters)
      8. Spiritual choruses
      9. Testimonies, visions, etc
    •  9 a.m.
      1. Bible Reading – Mark 15:1-32 (read aloud by a member while all kneel in silence)
      2. “Oh Lord forgive us our trespasses” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1003
      3. Prayer by a member
      4. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
      5. Prayer by a member
      6. Confession of sins
      7. Prayer for the world by 4 brethren (preferably 2 Brothers and 2 sisters)
      8. Spiritual choruses
      9. Testimonies
    • 10 a.m. – (Full Service. Follow order of 10 a.m. morning service seen in “B” above)
    •  12 Noon
      1. Bible Reading: John 19:1-30 (read aloud by a member while all kneel in silence)
      2. “Oh Lord forgive us our trespasses” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1003)
      3. Prayer by a member
      4. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
      5. Prayer by a member
      6. Confession of sins
      7. Prayer for the whole world by 4 brethren (preferably 2 brothers and 2 sisters)
      8. Spiritual choruses
      9. Testimonies, visions, etc
    •  3 p.m.
      1. Bible Reading – Luke 23:1-49 (read aloud by a member while all kneel in silence)
      2. “Oh Lord forgive our trespasses” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1003)
      3. Prayer by a member
      4. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
      5. Prayer by a member
      6. Confession of sins
      7. Prayer for the whole world by 4 brethren (preferably 2 brothers and 2 sisters)
      8. Spiritual Choruses
      9. Testimonies, Visions, etc
    • 5:55 p.m. General Confession (in twos and prayers offered for each other in turns)
    •  6:00 p.m.
      1. Bible Reading – Luke 23:50-56 (read aloud by a member while all kneel in silence)
      2. “Oh forgive our trespasses… ” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1003)
      3. Prayer by a member
      4. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
      5. Closing Hymn
      6. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
      7. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all while kneeling)
      8. “Come Holy Spirit of God… ” (sung by all: BCS 1012)
      9. Benediction by the Conductor
      10. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
      11. Hallelujah/ Hosanna/Amen (Shouted seven times each by the Conductor as he/she jumps and the congregation shouts and jump in response)
      12. Feast
      13. Admonition and closing by the Conductor

Conducting Service on Easter Monday

    1. Introit: “The Lord is in His Holy temple…” (sung by all while kneeling: BCS Hymnary 997
    2. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
    3. Prayer by the Conductor
    4. Hymn
    5. Prayer by a member
    6. First Bible Reading: John 21:15-17
    7. Hymn
    8. Prayer by a member
    9. Second Bible Reading: John 20:21-23
    10. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
    11. Reading of the First Bible Lesson, Second Bible lesson and the Golden Text: Matthew 28:18-20)
    12. Sermon
    13. Conductor calls for the congregation to individually confess their sins silently
    14. Spiritual choruses (while kneeling)
      1. “Odudu usen Pentecost…”
      2. “Se nte emende cross eno Enye…”
      3. “Mkpa usen ita…”
      4. “Oh iyip eyen erong…”
      5. “Iyip okoduoho k’isong…”
      6. “Se ekenamde eno Israel…”
      7. “The blood of Jesus Christ…”
      8. “He is King of Kings…”
    15. Reading of the three texts (One person reads texts aloud seven times each and at Intermittent breaks the congregation shouts Amen)
    16. Reading of the Golden Text: Matthew 28:18-20 and closing of the sermon
    17. Prayer by a member
    18. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    19. Blessing
      1. Children: “Father, Son and the Holy Ghost…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 985)
      2. Women followed by Men Congregation: “My disciples be ever ready…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 986)
      3. Choristers: “I will make you fishers of men…” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 987)
      4. Spirited Children, Elders, All Ordained ones, Christ Natural True Missionaries, Bishops, 144,000 “Obong nam utom fo…” (Sung by all: BCS Hymnary 988)
    20. Prayer by a member
    21. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
    22. Prayer by a member
    23. Closing Hymn
    24. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
    25. The Lord’s Prayer (sung by all while kneeling: BCS Hymnary 995)
    26. “Come Holy Spirit of God…” (sung by all while kneeling: BCS Hymnary 1012)
    27. Benediction by the Conductor
    28. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (sung by all while kneeling: BCS Hymnary 1007
    29. Spiritual Choruses and blessing (order of blessing: Choristers, Children, Women Congregation, Men Congregation, Spirited Children, Elders, All Ordained ones, Christ Natural True Missionaries, Bishops and 144,000)
    30. Feast
    31. Visions, Dreams, Testimonies, Confession of sins etc
    32. Announcements
    33. Admonition and closing by the Conductor

Conducting a Meeting


    1. Hymn
    2. Prayer by a Conductor
    3. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
    4. Prayer by a member
    5. Reading of text and sermon
    6. Prayer by a member
    7. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    8. Closing Hymn
    9. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
    10. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all while kneeling)
    11. “Come Holy Spirit of God…” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1012)
    12. Benediction by the Conductor
    13. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    14. Spiritual choruses
    15. Admonition and closing by the Conductor


    1. The Chairman/Chairperson takes his/her seat at the table with other members of the Executive and jingles the bell
    2. Song (“Father lead us aright come Oh dear Good Shepherd”)
    3. Prayer by a member
    4. Chairman’s Opening remarks
    5. Reading of the previous minutes by the Secretary
    6. Prayer by a member
    7. Matters Arising from the minutes
    8. Current matters to be discussed
    9. Finance
    10. General Discussion
    11. Adjournment
    12. Father’s Advice and blessing by the Conductor/CNTM
    13. Feast
    14. Closing

Conducting Baptism

    1. Reading of First Step to God to the new converts
    2. Reading of suitable Bible text(s) (Sample texts: John 3:5-6; Romans 6:3-6; Mark 16:16-18, Mark 1:5-11; 1st Peter 1:23)
    3. Confessions of sins (individually in turns to the conductor)
    4. The Conductor advises converts (these texts may be read: 1st John 1:7-10, James 5:16; Mark 1:5 etc)
    5. The Conductor prays for new converts
    6. Marching to the baptismal pool or river with spiritual choruses
    7. Sample spiritual choruses:
      1. “Now let us go to Jordan”
      2. “In water I have been baptised”
    8. The Conductor positions in the pool/river
    9. Prayer by any member (if available)
    10. Prayer by the Conductor (whilst in the pool/river)
    11. Baptism (immersion is done three times in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit)
    12. Prayer by any member (if available)
    13. Prayer by the Conductor (whilst in the pool/river)
    14. March back to the Bethel with spiritual choruses
      Sample choruses:

      1. “Now I have washed my feet”
      2. “The blood of Jesus”
      3. “Listen to the news of joy”
    15. Blessing and anointing of baptised brethren by the Conductor before the altar
    16. Conductor advises baptised brethren (sample texts: 2nd Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians4:22-24; John 8:10-11 etc)
    17. Registration and issuance of:
      1. Baptismal Certificate
      2. Membership Card
      3. General fellowship Card
      4. Men/Women Fellowship Card
    18. Love Feast
    19. Closing

Conducting House Blessing

    1. Hymn
    2. Prayer by the Conductor
    3. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
    4. Prayer by a member
    5. Reading of text and sermon
    6. Prayer by a member
    7. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    8. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
    9. Prayer by a member
    10. Closing Hymn
    11. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
    12. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all while kneeling)
    13. “Come Holy Spirit of God…” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1012)
    14. Benediction by the Conductor
    15. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord” (sung by all while kneeling)
    16. Spiritual choruses and spiritual work
    17. Feast
    18. Visions, Dreams, Testimonies,
    19. Prayer for the house-hold
    20. Admonition and closing by the Conductor

Conducting Child Blessing

 Immediately after first part of service.
    1. Family and child kneel before the altar
    2. Reading of the First Bible Reading – Luke 2:22
    3. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
    4. Prayer 4 brethren from behind the family of the child (preferably 2 brothers and 2 sisters)
    5. Blessing
      1. Hymn BCS Hymn 854 as background music and possibly repeatedly throughout this Section
      2. The Conductor comes to the altar from the temple
      3. Presentation of the child to the Conductor by a sister (the sister kneels beside the altar till the child is eventually handed back to her)
      4. The Child placed on a pillow on the altar
      5. Water sprinkled on his/her face
      6. Holy oil rubbed on the child and sign of the cross made on his/her forehead, palms and the sole of his/her feet (The Conductor offers silent prayers of sanctification in tandem)
      7. The child’s had is turned to the remaining three of the cardinal points (west, south and East) and on each turn items “e” and “f” above are repeated.
      8. The child is given Holy Water to drink
      9. The Conductor raises the child and points to the four cardinal points (north, east, south and west)
      10. The child is handed back to the sister kneeling beside the altar
      11. The Conductor returns to the temple
    6. Reading the Second Bible Reading – Ephesians 6:1-4
    7. Reading of the Golden Text – 1st Timothy 2:15
    8. The Conductor gives brief advice to the family
    9. First Spiritual Chorus: “Eyen erong uwa”
    10. Second Spiritual chorus: “Eyen amana ono nyin”
    11. Spiritual choruses and general blessing
    12. Love Feast
    13. Testimonies from child’s parents and others
    14. Closing

Conducting Holy Spirit Church

 Immediately after first part of service.
    1. Conductor jingles the bell twice
    2. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
    3. Hymn
    4. Reading of three Bible texts
      First Lesson drawn from any verse(s) of the following chapters – Matthew 28; Mark 16;
      Luke 24; John 20
      Reading of the second lesson: 1st Corinthians 15:20-58
      Reading of the Golden Text: 1st Thessalonians 4:1-18
    5. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
    6. Prayer by a member
    7. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    8. Closing Hymn
    9. Benediction by the Conductor
    10. “Hear our Prayers Oh Lord…” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    11. Feast
      (Passages to be read before sharing feast – 1st Corinthians 15:1-58; 1st Corinthians 11:20-34; John 6:51; 1st Corinthians 10:16-17; 1st Corinthians 16:1-4; 1st Corinthians 8:1-13)
    12. Testimonies
    13. Announcements
    14. Admonition and closing by the Conductor

Conducting Funeral Service

    1. Introit “Oh man of God the Father calls…” (sung by all: BCS Hymanry 562)
    2. Psalm 1 (recited by all while kneeling)
    3. Prayer by the Conductor
    4. Hymn
    5. Prayer by a member
    6. Reading of the First Bible Lesson (chosen by the Conductor and read by a member)
    7. Hymn
    8. Prayer by a member
    9. Reading of the Second Bible Lesson (chosen by the Conductor read by a member)
    10. Anthem(s) by the Choir(s)
    11. Prayer by a member
    12. Reading of the First Bible Lesson, Second Bible Lesson, and the Golden Text (as chosen by the conductor)
    13. Sermon
    14. Prayer by a member
    15. Silent Prayer (everyone standing)
    16. Anthem(s)
    17. Prayer by a member
    18. Closing Hymn
    19. Psalm 23 (recited by all while kneeling)
    20. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all while kneeling)
    21. “Come Holy Spirit of God…” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1012)
    22. Benediction by the Conductor
    23. “Hear our prayers Oh Lord…” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    24. Spiritual choruses
    25. Freewill offering for the bereaved family
    26. Feast,
    27. Testimonies
    28. Admonition and closing by the Conductor
    1. Hymn
    2. Prayer
    3. Hymn
    4. Prayer by a member
    5. Silent Prayer (everyone stands)
    6. Closing Hymn
    7. Psalm 23 (recited by all)
    8. The Lord’s Prayer (recited by all)
    9. “Come Holy Spirit of God…”
    10. Benediction by the Conductor
    11. “Hear our Prayers Oh Lord…” (sung by all: BCS Hymnary 1007)
    12. Corpse lowered into the grave
    13. Interment – the Conductor reads as follows:
      For as much as it has pleased the Almighty God of His great mercy to take unto Himself the soul of our beloved brother/sister here departed, we therefore commit his/her body to the ground – Earth to earth, Ash to ash, Dust to dust (the Conductor throws scooped soil into the grave on each occasion) – being sure and hopeful of resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
    14. Covering of the grave (spiritual choruses continue till the grave is completely filled)
    15. Prayer by 4 members (preferably 2 brothers and 2 sisters)
    16. March back to the deceased residence (Spiritual choruses are rendered along the way)
    17. Prayers for the deceased family
    18. Feast
    19. Admonition and closing by the Conductor